The honey bee may bee our worlds greatest asset.

With hopes of free honey and a tax exemption we began a crash coarse in bees.

We started out knowing very little about keeping bees but remained persistent. With the help of some guys that had experience, and some bad advice from those who didn’t we learned no one does it the same. Every year we learn more and more about the honey bee and the massive benefits they provide. We thought we knew what it would take, but that was not the case. Thankfully our passion grew more with every thing we learned about and from bees.

Our Honey is different and we are reminded that by everyone that try’s it. Our main difference is we don’t feed our bees, giving bees sugar water in our opinion makes a sugar water honey that taste just as it sounds. With the exception of replacing the queen when necessary we keep a natural approach to bee keeping. Our hives are primarily bees rescued by us from swarms or removals from structures.

In March of 2021, with an abundance of beeswax, we started experimenting and researching. For a guy that mocked and made fun of organic and all natural, it took severe changes in beliefs and behavior but the benefits were obvious. With every product we produced we would have request to make something else and so on. We are confident in the products we make and want to share them with the world. What started as a hobby and a tax break turned into much more and we will continue to produce and provide the most all natural products we can and help other veterans in learning the art of bee keeping.